
Sustainability at WEICON

Chemicals and sustainability –
is that even possible?

Our internationally operating family business has been producing chemical products for more than 70 years. We keep the world’s industries running with our adhesives and sealants, which are used in production, repair, maintenance and servicing. But inevitably and rightly the question arises: can we as a chemical company act sustainably at all?

Our answer to that is definitely yes. Every company today has the responsibility to address the issue of sustainability in depth. And every company can take measures within its means to enable future generations to have a future worth living.

On this page we explain how we deal with the topic of sustainability at WEICON. We reveal which small and large measures we have taken to live in a sensible way today and how we initiate new developments to help shape a future full of hope.

„Any company which in this day and age still believes that the issue of sustainability is of no concern to them has not understood what it’s all about.“


What we do


Saving and reducing CO2

It’s all very well to offset CO2, but it is not enough in the fight against climate change! Therefore, offsetting should always be accompanied by measures to save and reduce CO2. Above all, this means critically questioning our existing processes and initiating changes at WEICON – both on a large and small scale.

Too much theory? Here are a few specific examples:


Using energy responsibly

In order to contribute to the green energy transition, we have been relying exclusively on green electricity at our headquarters in Münster since the beginning of 2022. In addition, photovoltaic systems have been installed on a large part of our buildings.

When it comes to saving energy, even small changes can make a big difference: for instance, we have replaced numerous fluorescent tubes with LEDs, significantly reduced the number of hours of outdoor lighting and the intensity of various indoor lights, and replaced the permanent lighting in our tool store with motion detectors.


Cardboard instead of plastic

Blister packaging is a thing of the past at WEICON! Since the beginning of 2020, our tools have a recyclable outer packaging. In this way, we have effectively cut down on plastic – reducing our use of plastic by six tonnes per year.


Bike leasing & e-mobility

What causes an especially high level of CO2 emissions? Exactly, driving to work by car every day. Thanks to our bike leasing offer, our employees can make their way to work pollution-free. Of course, colleagues who live far away are still dependent on their car, but many people from Münster arrive by bike.

We have also examined the topic of e-mobility and have now installed 15 e-charging stations at our headquarters. In addition, we are increasingly using electric drives in our vehicle fleet in Germany.

Sustainable tool series

With our Green Line tool series, we have completely abandoned the use of conventional plastic. Instead, we use biopolymer which is a bioplastic.

The tools are made of up to 97 % renewable and natural raw materials and are largely manufactured without the use of the finite resource petroleum.
Like all our tools, the Green Line is produced in Germany.

Digitisation instead of stacks of paper

An average of 18.7 sheets of paper per person are printed daily in German offices (source: Papierlos Arbeiten Monitor 2020 – Fellow Digitals). However, many companies have now realised that the digitalisation of processes can significantly reduce paper consumption. We have already taken some measures in this area and, for example, made our invoice filing paperless or digitised processes in the warehouse and in the shipping process.

Despite these savings, we are aware that we also have an increased need for shipping boxes – owing to the growing online trade – which cannot be avoided. Unlike heavy paper files.

Collecting rainwater

Water is precious. That’s why we had an underground rainwater cistern installed, which can store up to 30,000 litres, to irrigate our outdoor facilities. In addition to collecting and storing water, we of course try to reduce our water consumption as much as possible, for example by installing special watersave aerators.


Even small steps make a difference

What holds true for private individuals also holds true for companies: even small changes in behaviour can help protect the environment. For us, this includes things like switching from batteries to rechargeable batteries for keyboard and mouse, coffee milk in jugs instead of plastic milk pots or switching to FSC-certified paper towels. Such minor details may seem trivial, but they reduce waste. Sometimes you just have to look a bit closer to make a difference with little effort.


Saying goodbye to advertising material

Pens, key chains and chocolates at Christmas. A few years ago, we stopped showering our customers with such promotional gifts. Not because we don't like our customers, but because we believe that we can be more responsible with the resources of our planet and that the money we spend on such "little things" can be better invested in social projects.

Ökoprofit company

By the way, many of our small and large measures, but also many of our ideas for the future, have developed from the Ökoprofit project. Ökoprofit is a nationwide cooperation project which provides information and expertise to support companies in reducing operating costs through environmental and climate protection measures. Thus, natural resources are preserved and CO2 is saved. We successfully participated in the project in 2019/20.


Sustainability: a holistic view

Action must be guided by the principle of sustainability and a holistic approach. What does that mean? Sustainability is based on three equally important pillars: the environmental, economic and social impact. With these pillars, companies can specify guidelines for sustainable action. Their aim is to ensure and improve the environmental, economic and social performance of societies.

WE Care Sustainability Report

We are pleased to present our Sustainability Report 2024.

WEICON Nachhaltigkeitsbericht

Download here

The social dimension

Sustainability involves much more than the implementation of environmental goals. Social (aside from environmental and economic) considerations are one of the three pillars. We have been supporting charities around the world since 2017, including organisations that campaign for the environment and the welfare of people and animals. Our employees decide on which organisations to support with our donations.

Carbon neutrality

Our headquarters in Germany are carbon neutral – but what exactly does that mean?

In general, a company is considered carbon neutral if all the climate-damaging emissions or greenhouse gases it produces are offset by a certified carbon offsetting company.

We understand that the voluntary offsetting of unavoidable emissions is essential to tackling climate change. For this reason, Fokus Zukunft GmbH & Co KG has calculated the climate impact of our headquarters in Germany according to the GHG Standard. We provided the necessary data for the calculation in advance. By purchasing climate protection certificates for the years 2022 and 2023, we offset the greenhouse gas emissions that we produce. With these certificates, we support a hydropower project in Türkiye that was certified under the leadership of VERRA based on the Verified Carbon Standard.

In the future, we would like to have regular recertifications carried out in order to fulfil our responsibility permanently. In the long-term, we aim to record our worldwide CO2 emissions and offset them for all our subsidiaries as well.

Anyone who wishes to know what exactly a carbon footprint is, which greenhouse gases are included in the calculation or what happens to the CO2 certificates after they have been purchased will receive answers to these questions in this detailed explanation.


The hydropower project provides affordable and clean energy, creates decent jobs and economic growth, and contributes to climate protection by eliminating the use of fossil fuels. We chose Türkiye as a location for “personal reasons”, as we have our own branch here.

What does the future hold in store

Sustainable action is not an item on a to-do list that you can tick off at some point. Sustainable action is a never-ending process.

We know that we are not perfect. There are still many challenges that we need to tackle to create an even “greener” business.

We cannot work miracles and turn glue into candy, but we are constantly reviewing the implementation of various sustainability issues and processes. For example, we are currently examining further energy efficiency measures in existing buildings. This includes the use of new technology in terms of lighting, air conditioning, heating, etc. or the expansion of our photovoltaic systems.

Sustainability and environmental management are complex and time-consuming. That is why WEICON has a colleague, Henning Voß, who, as a member of our EHSC (Environment + Health + Safety + Compliance) management team, is in charge of this topic.

„Even as a chemical company, we can do a lot to ensure sustainability. Together with colleagues and external professionals, I regularly evaluate what we can do to the best of our ability.“


A-Z of sustainability

If you would like to know out more about sustainability – whether in general or in relation to WEICON – you will find lots of information in our A-Z of sustainability. Here we explain, for example, what a corporate carbon footprint is or what is meant by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

Anfangen (starting)

Just start! Can you do anything wrong when it comes to climate protection? For fear of being accused of greenwashing, some companies seem paralysed and remain hesitant regarding sustainability measures despite good intentions. But if you do nothing at all for fear of doing something wrong, you are definitely doing something wrong!

Bilanzieren (Balance)

Our consumption (such as energy or fuel consumption) is converted to the CO2 equivalent using emission factors. This figure is the result of the emissions balance on which our climate protection strategy is based. One tonne of methane, for example, represents 25 tonnes of CO2 equivalent.


Corporate Carbon Footprint

Together with Fokus Zukunft GmbH & Co. KG, we measured our corporate carbon footprint in Germany in 2022 based on the Greenhouse Gas Protocol. The carbon footprint is divided into Scope 1, 2 and 3. Scope 1 includes all self-generated emissions (for example, emissions generated by combustion in one’s own facilities). Scope 2 includes emissions associated with purchased energy (for example electricity). Scope 3 includes emissions from services provided by third parties and purchased preliminary services (for example business travel, paper consumption, etc.). We have tried to calculate our carbon footprint in Germany as comprehensively as possible – Scope 3 emissions can only be partially accounted for, however, as not all processes along the entire value chain are known to us or can be influenced by us.

Chemie (Chemicals)

Many of our products are based on chemical substances that give them their specific properties, such as high adhesive strength or an especially high resistance to weathering. We pay close attention to the numerous legal requirements for our products and analyse and evaluate them further according to our own strict standards – also with regard to environmental compatibility.

Digitalisierung (Digitalisation)

Many companies have now realised that the digitalisation of processes can significantly reduce CO2 emissions in many areas. We have already taken several measures to digitalise our processes. For example, we have made our invoice filing or personnel administration paperless. We have also digitised processes in the warehouse and in the shipping process and replaced many face-to-face events with digital meetings.

Employer Branding

Voluntarily reducing emissions and offsetting unavoidable emissions increases awareness among our employees, suppliers and customers for the way we use resources. Positioning ourselves as a sustainable employer is an integral part of our employer branding strategy.


Fahrrad (bike)

Thanks to our bike leasing offer, our employees can make their way to work pollution-free. Of course, colleagues who live far away are still dependent on their car, but many people from Münster arrive by bike – as befits our bicycle-friendly city.

Ganzheitlich (holistic)

Those who are serious about the fight against climate change do not merely rely on offsetting CO2 through climate certificates. Only companies who take a holistic view of the three main pillars of carbon neutrality – i.e. saving, reducing and offsetting CO2 – achieve more than mere damage limitation.


Homeoffice (remote work)

Working from home makes it unnecessary for many of our employees to travel to work by car, thus reducing the burden on the environment and, additionally, on the wallet.

Internationaler Klimaschutz (International climate protection)

Climate change is global, so it does not matter where in the world CO2 is offset. The Kyoto Protocol, which is binding under international law, stipulates that climate protection projects that avoid or store greenhouse gas emissions should be located where they are most economical. Many projects are therefore carried out in emerging and developing countries, where they are also intended to contribute to improving the economic, social and environmental situation.

Junges Team (young team)

Many young people work at WEICON. The average age at our headquarters in Germany is 37. It is no secret that sustainability is becoming increasingly important, especially for the younger generations, and often plays a role in the choice of employer. All the more reason for a company to address this issue.

Klimaschutzzertifikate (Climate protection certificates)

We have acquired certified carbon credits for our headquarters in Münster for the years 2022 and 2023. In addition, we will carry out regular recertifications in future and continue to promote climate protection by reducing and avoiding CO2 emissions.

Kommunikation (communication)

Do good and talk about it. Many companies do not dare to speak openly about their sustainability measures for fear of greenwashing accusations. But honest and transparent communication can help inspire other companies and encourage them to take action themselves.

Langfristig (Long-term)

By means of additional CO2 reduction and avoidance measures, we wish to show that we are making a long-term and serious contribution to climate protection and to a world worth living in tomorrow.

Messen (trade fairs)

We have reduced our participation in trade fairs, thus saving many flights, nights in hotels and kilometres driven by car. We have currently scaled down our presence at domestic fairs to the most important four or five ones.

Nachhaltigkeitsziele der Vereinten Nationen (United Nations Sustainable Development Goals)

The United Nations has set 17 sustainable development goals. The goals take into account all three pillars of sustainability (environmental, economic and social) and include the fight against climate change.


We support the following three sustainability goals with our offsetting project in Turkey:

ÖPNV (public transport)

Despite our location in an industrial area, we are directly connected to the public transport system via a nearby bus stop. In various industry associations, we repeatedly advocate, for example, that the frequency of buses be further expanded to make public transport even more attractive.

People – Planet – Profit

These terms refer to the three pillars of sustainability. With these three, equally-important pillars, companies can specify guidelines for sustainable action. The aim is to ensure and improve the environmental, economic and social performance of societies in this way.


We attach the utmost importance to quality. This means that we pay attention to both high-quality materials and the usefulness of our products. We don’t include products that are especially harmful to the environment nor products that offer no additional technical benefit in our product range.

Reduzieren (Reducing)

We are reducing our CO2 impact in many areas along the value chain. Our specific measures for CO2 reduction are explained on this page.

Spenden (donations)

We have been supporting charitable organisations around the world since 2017. Among them are associations that campaign for the environment and the welfare of people and animals. Our employees decide on which organisations to support with our donations.

Treibstoff (fuel)

Our vehicle fleet requires a large amount of petrol and diesel. That is why we are gradually converting our vehicle fleet in Germany to regenerative drives.

Umverpackungen (repackaging)

We banned plastic blister packs from our tool range at the beginning of 2020. Since then, we have been packaging our WEICON TOOLS in recyclable cardboard boxes, thus saving around six tonnes of plastic every year.
Learn more

Unternehmenswerte (Corporate values)

As a company, we hold certain values that guide our everyday actions. In addition to respect, openness, solidarity, communication and reliability, we also count responsibility and sustainability among our corporate values. Responsible and sustainable action is very important to us, which is why we continue to focus our actions on sustainability in addition to the measures we have taken so far.

Vermeiden (saving)

Saving CO2 should be part of any sustainability strategy. Because even if we offset a tonne of CO2 elsewhere in the world, it remains a tonne of CO2. That is why we regularly examine and evaluate existing processes at our company to find out whether they can be optimised further in terms of sustainability.


For us, sustainability also means consciously paying attention to people (human resources), starting with the people in our company. For example, we ensure that our employees benefit from a good work-life balance.

X-, Y- und Z-Generation (Generation X, Y and Z)

When WEICON was founded in 1947, environmental issues played a minor role for many companies. We were no exception in that respect. But for the following generations Y and Z, the topic of sustainability is increasingly gaining in importance – also at WEICON. Being a millennial herself, Managing Director Ann-Katrin Weidling represents the fourth generation of our family business. It is extremely important to her that WEICON makes its own significant contribution to climate protection.

Ziele (targets)

Sustainable action is not an item on a to-do list that you can tick off at some point, but a continuous process. We never stop setting ourselves new targets to reduce our CO2 emissions wherever we can.